Sunday, August 3, 2008

Summertime Blues

Lyla is closing in on her 3 month mark and she's becoming a little charmer! We went up to Denison this weekend to see Grandma, Papaw, Aunt Jenny and Brendan. She loves to smile, laugh, and drool on everyone. She even tries to talk by making light baby conversation (or cute noises if you are not fluent in "baby") with you! We are also very proud of Lyla's big blue eyes or her "Summertime Blues". They really stand out and sparkle back at you when she's dressed in bright, colorful outfits. Lyla even got a chance to take a dip in Grandma and Papaw's pool! We think she liked it, but I think most would agree that 104 degree temperatures can only be experienced briefly. Still, we managed to take some great pictures...Be sure to check out the new slideshow added above with a collection of our most recent favorite moments!

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