Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Settling in, again.

So we're all getting adjusted to Lyla's new daycare and mommy's new commute/schedule. We didn't get to be with her as much last week since Grandma Katie and Papaw were so nice to take care of her while we secured a good spot for childcare. We missed her soooo much, it hurt. So glad to have her back home every night. Lyla really is such a good baby, we are so proud. Can't wait till the little stinker sleeps through the night though. My friends tell me it won't be much longer till she does. Her 4 month check up is on the 12th of September so I can't wait to see how much she weighs now. She's growing so fast. Her latest developments are ROLLING OVER from her tummy to her back, LAUGHING out loud (mostly at Daddy's funny jokes), and she is clearly REACHING for objects (lately it's her feet). At her new daycare, Ms. Karen is working on getting her on a schedule. Ms. Karen has been watching little ones for over 20 years. I have complete confidence in her ability to handle whatever they throw her way. Lyla is the 5th baby at daycare and she seems to love being around the older babies. When I pick her up, she is truly ecstatic about all the activity around her. She is usually laughing loudly and talking quite a bit. When I hold her in my lap, all the other babies surround her and try to "pet" her. They seem to really like her. She's a cutie, its no wonder.

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