Sunday, November 16, 2008


It's official! Lyla is independently sitting and crawling since last week. At just six months old, she's about a month ahead of her "class". =) She's got very good balance and she is always on the go. Today she had a very busy day. We took her to her first service at First Baptist Church in McKinney and then to lunch at the Texas Roadhouse. She had on her pretty dress for church and was so excited to see all the people while we were in the foyer waiting on some friends. She was laughing at all the people (in excitement, not at them) and they all just thought she was BEAUTIFUL. When we got into the sanctuary, my friends mother asked to hold her and she got passed down the pew, everyone just ooo-ed and aww-ed at her. After a long, fun-filled day with Grandma Jane, Lyla had her bath and bottle and is sleeping peacefully. I feel so blessed to have such a beautiful baby that is so good natured and happy. It's so wonderful to share her, but the most rewarding part of all is when she finds comfort in me, more than ever. The music was very loud in the church and she fell asleep in my arms, even through all the noise. Grandma said, "only in the arms of her mother could she fall asleep through all of that." That's one of the most wonderful parts of being mommy.