Friday, June 27, 2008

Something changed

So Lyla is 7 weeks now and after Grandpa Frank and Great Aunt Cookie left on Wednesday, I noticed something new about our little girl. Instead of crying out to whoever was listening, my little Lyla looked me right in the eyes when she was crying. It is like she is saying, "Mommy, help me. I'm upset." Direct eye contact has been more common during her quiet alert states but overall the crying has been to the general public. It melted my heart. She is also passing out more smiles to both of us, not only in the morning but randomly through the day What it tells me is that she is feeling good and feels like showing us that. Auntie Shohreh also came to visit Miss Lyla and we all had a nice lunch together.

Monday, June 23, 2008

6 1/2 weeks

This week we are spending time with Aunt (Great) Cookie and Grandpa Frank. Lyla has been handing out a few smiles to all of us. She is happiest in the morning and starting to settle into some routines which will probably change as soon as we get used to them. Lyla is getting heavier everyday and if I had to guess, she probably weighs 10-11lbs by now. We have our next Dr. appointment in July (2 month check up) where she'll get all her shots and her weight and height checked. She's growing into all her 3 month clothes, very cute. Daddy is going to upload some pictures to show you what a doll she is. = ) She loves all her relatives, and anyone who will hold her. So come and visit so mommy can rest her arms. = )