Sunday, June 14, 2009

Some of the latest.....

Lyla is 13 months old now...definitely growing. Our baby won't be so little for much longer. She is wanting to be more and more independent, feed herself and doesn't like being "trapped"(by our hugs and kisses). She is on the go and on the move. I have uploaded some pictures of her just to show you a few of the latest. Her stats as of now: She's in 18 mos, working her way into 24 months clothing, size 4 shoes, trying for size 5. She's running and jabbering, examining everything, being sweet one minute and throwing terrible two tantrums the next. She is very advanced, trying to grow up too fast. She knows quite a bit and surprises me all of the time. This week, I let her play with one of my rings and she placed on her thumb, as if that's where it belonged. She grabbed a purse out of my closet and ran around with it, just like mommy does. She always surprises me with how much she knows. She has learned to climb on the recliner/rocker all by herself. She can't quite make it onto the couch yet, but it won't be long.

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